Thursday, June 24, 2010

Buy all the things I Never had.

Its 11:59am and I am sitting in my kitchen with my brother JonErik (age 17, too cool for school) and my sister Maya (age 12, thinks she's too cool for anyone). We are sitting basically in the dark, Maya is texting someone and my brother is playing his guitar. Scratch that, he just went to go get his V mask I bought him at the con this past weekend.

My house is kind of insane. You probably think every family is kind of insane but mine is ACTUALLY crazy. If you follow me on Twitter, there is a good chance you think i'm off my rocker some of the time. Let's just say we are all products of our environments.

Oh look, JonErik is back. And they are quoting The Ringer saying "When do we get ice cream!" And apparently the guy is also from 500 Days of summer.

Now JonErik is yelling at his turtles because one of them is playing with the thermometer again. The biggest one, Honu, likes to pull at the thermometer and clink it aginst the glass in the middle of the night, driving my mom insane.

"I think there is a cat stuck in the back of my head."-JonErik.

Anyway, my mom talks to our turtles a lot. And JonErik likes to impersonate my mom talking to the turtles. She mostly yells at them whenever the turtles try to have sex.

"Honu! Stop that!" We'll hear her holler from whenever we are in the house. "I ain't raising no babies!"

My parents think that because they grew up in Plainfield that they can talk ghetto. No guys, thats not true. Mom you are asian and Dad, you are a super tall Scandinavian guy that looks & sounds like a viking. However, they really enjoy their black people movies. "The only funny ones around, you know?" My mom would say.

JonErik is just sitting here talking like Health Ledger's Joker while wearing the V mask. he has his movies mixed up.

Its late, isn't it? We are just sitting around being ridiculous because our parents arent home yet.

"Do you have cauliflower in your boxers?"-Maya
"My name is Perry and I lost my crumpets."-JonErik
"You guys, what on earth are you talking about?"-Myself
"Shut up Zoe."-JonErik

Hahahaha, its really late and we are all very tired.

I suppose none of this makes sense to you all. Basically I live at home still because I live 10 min away from college, which I actually love tremendously. I would never ever share a room with someone else let alone another female. And besides, my room is amazing-have you ever seen it? Its pretty magical.

I keep singing Billionaire by Travis McCoy & Bruno Mars (I shook Travis's hand and Bruno is hawaiian). JonErik is threatening my life.

And then he just had me laughing, because now he's quoting Tropic Thunder-which is his favorite movie and he knows literally all the lines from it. The good ones anyway.

I'm tired. Just thought I would tell you all about my night. And I'm not going to edit or reread this to check for mistakes. What you get is what you got =P

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