Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What I Wrote in Highschool

For all of those who have read it happen, sorrow for you to forget those words. For all those who have seen it happen, regret for you to forget the scene. For those of you who have had it happen, nothing for you for nothing is at it seems.

In an apartment, on the top floor, everything was still. It was late into the night in Chicago and the storm outside was just another hideous storm. It was dark with shadows trailing across the floor with lightening pouring in from the outside as the only glow. Two people sat on opposite sides of the room, facing each other. It was 2 am and it was raining.

The shattered heart sat curled up in her chair, hugging her knees into herself. The stringy hair fell over the face, hiding a puffy glare and swollen eyes. A body so fragile, she was about to break any moment.

And the mistake sat across the room, unable to meet her gaze. Legs apart, his head hanging low; slouching, He had not been crying but his face showed wear and tear as if it had. It was 2 am and it was raining.

A single note lay between the two and the shattered heart could not take her eyes off of it. It was crumbled and soaked, thrown a million years ago.

And how can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?

Words screamed hours ago still hung in the air, echoed a thousands times in the loudest shrieks. They were flung against the walls, hitting them, mixing up, forming other words, other phrasing, and other screams. But they all meant the same. Words replayed over and over in her head, the face of a mistake looking right back at her. It told her that it was her fault. It reminded her it was her idea. That falling was her own plan and the setting her own design.

A mistake couldn’t breathe. They aren’t supposed to. They are lifeless, but never meaningless. Guilty and longing to be forgotten. It sat across the room and stared at the hardwood floor seeing things past. It had no concept of anything outside this room. It was 2 am and it was raining.

This shattered heart dared not breathe because even that something could mess up. Shattered hearts couldn't have always been shattered. Nothing is made shattered, it has to be something first, belong to someone before it can be broken. But how awful that must be, to be something. To be incomplete unless you belong to someone. But knowing that if you belong to someone, you will be shattered. Would you still do it, would you still belong to a someone, knowing very well you will be shattered? What is better? Is feeling alone and lost better than being shattered? Being alone isn’t so bad, it’s lonely and sometimes cold but you’re still a something. A shattered something isn’t really a something anymore, it’s more a memory of a something.

So, What. Is. Better? Being shattered, but also have known what it was like to be a something belonging to a someone? Or was just being a something always dreaming of a someone better? The dreaming part is always better than the reality part. It hurt less. Especially at night. It was 2 am. And it was raining.

She coughed a wheezing cough, enough to make a mistake cast the floor a worried glance, but not daring enough to look up and risk showing emotions. Mistakes could have no emotions. But the chocking sound ended and she wiped a nose against her ripped jeans.

How could it be better than this?
The storm continued to howl outside and the rain fell down the huge glass windows that lay to the right of them. Lightening lit up the room for a moment, and then fell dark again.

This was all that was wanted. It was all that was needed.
But wanted by who? Needed by who?

Mistakes are made and lies are told, but breathing still happens and life still goes on. Even for them.
It felt like it wouldn't though. The world had ended, stopped in mid sentence. She pulled her body closer and he stared at the floor harder. She wiped the contacts from her eyes and let them stick to her jeans. He had an itch but let it alone, deciding he deserved to suffer. It was 2 am and it was raining.

The time still passed, without them allowing it to, that was the only thing no one in the world could control and never could. The passing of the time. In a million years even air could be charged on a little plastic card. But the turning of seconds into minutes into hours into days into years could not. It was everyone’s enemy, the one thing the two had in common still.

Would you tell me how it could be any better than this?

A shattered heart and a mistake sat in a room full of lost love and new found hate.
A thousand words were exchanged with the silence staying the same
To continue to breathe was the hardest decision without any precision.
And the last words of the note on the floor simple read cold and straining
Meet me out at 2am only but if its raining.

zoë a. gulliksen

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Secret Passcode: Scruffy Nerf Herder

Now I could write a whole post that would take pages and pages on why I love Star Wars and I would attempt to try to convey how much exactly these movies mean to me.
But I won't.

I'll let other things express my adoration.

Oh come on, like Zoe in this movie isn't me =)

I just cannot WAIT to get my RA tattoo<3

Sunday, April 18, 2010

As Long as I Need To

Hello hello passerbyers!

I created this blog back in March 2009 to guest post for HawaiianFire but afterwards never put it to much use. I have a blog from high school full of emotional teenage ramblings, I have a different blog in the healthy gym rat community and I have a series of video blogs where I talked about absolutely nothing but people seemed to like them a lot. I realized, however, that I do not have a normal blog where I could just write about things that happen or whatever I'm thinking.
Now I did not find this a problem until after this past weekend, where there were signs pointing (or rather, throwing rocks at my head) to tell me to keep one. Like a kid I knew on the bus that seemed surprised that I don't keep a blog even though I'm a writer. Or that my friends have blogs and I randomly come across them and I'm just think to myself, goodness I should keep one!

Enough of this rambling. I'll probably write a lot today, and maybe write a post each day this week and then gradually it'll be less and less until I disappear for good but then suddenly show back up again one day in full spirits. Isn't it pathetic how well I know myself. But that's something good to know about me, even you happen to not know me at all:
I always come back.

I was in the middle of doing homework on the Sunday of a wonderful relaxing weekend when I started to browse DeviantArt to see what these kids were doing this these and if they happened to create How To Train Your Dragon fanart yet, since the movie has been out for nearly a month already. Goodness did they ever =)

I've got to hand it to these kids, some people have a lot of talent AND lot of time on their hands. I can't draw to save my life so nor the time to practice so I'm glad somebody can fill my fangirl squeals for me.

There is just something about this movie that resonated with me from the moment I first saw the trailer last Christmas morning when I saw Sherlock Holmes. *gets glossy look over eyes* It was the original trailer, the one that starts off with Hiccup saying, "This

is my home.." By the time this wonderfully animated Dragon feeds Hiccup the other half of his fish I was a goner. But it was at 1:38 into the trailer where Toothless sat down on his hind legs and that piano music started playing, I get shivers and goosebumps every time.

So I'm a sucker for fantasy movies and books. I'm a sucker for the underdog in a brilliant and beautiful world where everyone has cool costumes! But mainly I'm a sucker for the creative, passionate, intelligent, inventor main lead character.

Basil from The Great Mouse Detective! Flint Lockwood from Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs! There's a bunch more but Hiccup is probably one of the best and most perfect examples. He's the Norwegian (I like to think of course) form of a geeky kid who uses his mind and talent and good heart to save the world! Or at least his own town.

One of my favorite scenes is when Astrid is flying with Toothless and Hiccup for the first time, and Toothless flies above the clouds and they see the Aurora Borealis, because they are so far north they are able to. Now, if you know me pretty well, you know that I have this unfathomably deep fascination with the Aurora. My favorite books, the His Dark Materials series talks a lot about it and the British title of The Golden Compass was The Northern Lights. So that moment in the movie really stuck out to me.

I love this movie because it’s something I wish I wrote. It has the same feeling that I will spend the rest of my life trying to give to other people.

Overall this was a huge rant about how much I loved this movie. Loved it so much that I went out and bought a Toothless big ass stuffed animal and shirt and DS game and the soundtrack is on my Amazon birthday wish list and ect. I cannot wait to see it again =)

That's enough for right now I think; hopefully I'll be back soon!

Hobey ho!
