Sunday, May 30, 2010

"I'm unusually hard to hold onto."

Okay so I know I haven't really been around a whole lot or even given any readers a real update on this shindig. The truth is I'm more of a Twitter kind of girl- I either need to write down what I'm thinking at that very moment or it will be lost forever.

I also have been either too busy to talk about anything important OR what really is important I don't want the world to know. This is not going to turn into an emo blog from my high school days lamenting about how much life sucks. 

Rather this blog is more like one of those moleskine notebooks I carry around with me everywhere: an assortment of check lists, novel notes, reminders and things I need to remember.

So what's going on in this world of mine right now? Well let's dig deep in and figure it out. I have nothing else better to do at 12:21am while waiting to see if the new Scott Pilgrim trailer will be released soon. I feel like one of those old school 25 Things from facebook is in order.

1.) I have so much I want to say I don't even know where to start
2.) Today I went on this crazy long hike up at High Point, Jersey's the highest point of all of Jersey. It was very rural with a path only a foot wide on beaten down grass that was full of centipedes. 


3.) I was so stressed out about the ridiculous centipedes that I gave myself the hiccups.

4.) When I got home, after I showered and so forth, I went with my friends James and Hyo to work on the program, and other fun stuff for AnimeNext, the con I am working staff for which James if the Vice Chair of.

5.) Cosplaying and conventions are such a fantastic part of my life and I am so very excited for con season to start

6.) This year I am cosplaying as Black Canary from the DC comics and as Ramona Flowers from the Scott Pilgrim books. (see below posts for cosplay check lists)

7.) Because I am suddenly going to Otakon in Maryland in August to meet the brilliant Lora who writes The Dreamer comics, I'm going to cosplay as her character Bea. (as long as I can pull up this costume in time!!)


8.) Life has changed so drastically this year for me

9.) For example I am no longer dating my high school sweetheart of 2 years

10.) But its okay because honestly this is exactly what I need right now: to clear my mind and just worry about myself for a long while

11.) Another change is that I became a vegetarian<3

12.) AnimeNext is in 18 days! 18 days to work my ass off and lose as much weight as possible (and healthy)

13.) Which reminds me, I need a Target run tomorrow!

14.) Boo looks like Facebook peeps wont reach 100,000 likes on the Scott Pilgrim page anytime tonight, hopefully when I wake up the trailer will be released!


15.) But I should continue this list anyways

16.) I'm pretty much a loner in aspects of life but I'm trying to work on this. I never really needed anyone and I am such a hard person to try and hang out with. People make me uneasy

17.) But I think perhaps being obligated to hang out with someone is what is worse. I HATE it when people pressure me to hang out. Look, hanging out with me is awkward as all hell, please don't pressure me or get angry when I dont wish to be social and hang out with you at some social place like the mall or ect


18.) I am an EXCELLENT listening though

19.) That is, when I'm answering my texts, lately I haven't been because I have been so busy or just ignoring my phone.

20.) The best way to contact me or learn more about me is through twitter. Though I warn you, potential twitter followers, I tweet a lot so don't add me to your mobile updates list


21.) I'm writing a novel, did you know?

22.) I have been feeling rather sickly lately, but hopefully that all goes away after a long night's sleep tonight

23.) I've been warn out because in the past week I have been sick, ran the bookstore by myself while my boss was on vacation, went to a high school prom, spent all day in the city and went on a ridiculous hike.

24.) I love con season and cosplaying and ally mcbeal and trashy romance novels and amazon and ebay and comic shops and starbucks and books. 


25.) Most of all books.

Well, thats a good indiction of what I am like at exactly this moment in time. Thanks for reading a drop a line!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

To Do Lists

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

1.) Pay for ebay transactions
2.) Write Proposal for Comic-con documentary
3.) Clean room
4.) Get Prom things ready
5.)Write Lola's farewell cards
6.) Email James about the AN ID cards

For the Following Week

1.) Make appointment with Dean
2.) Buy materials for Ramona bag and Canary bootstraps
3.) Buy Flex pass and figure out schedule
4.) Write more

Saturday, May 22, 2010

"My precious first edition," he said. "I forgot."

This summer I'm going to do a lot of things, but one of them being that I want to keep track of all the books I end up reading in the next couple of months.

I've never been one to keep track, considering its usually too much for me to remember, and I also tend to read more than one book at a time depending on what mood I'm in and ect.

But this is my attempt to keep track:

Books of Summer 2010

1.) Him Her Him Again The End of Him by Patricia Marx, 5/14 through 5/21
2.) A Long Fatal Love Chase by Louisa May Alcott, 5/21-5/22


3.) Lord of Fire by Galen Foley, 5/23-5/25

4.) Lord of Ice by Gaelen Foley, 5/26-5/28

5.) Lady of Desire by Gaelen Foley, 5/29-5/30
Lady of Desire

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cosplay Check List

Black Canary
Blonde Wig: ✔
Wig Cap: ✔
Black Leather Leotard: ✔
Fishnets: ✔
(Extra Fishnets: ✔)
Black Knee High Combat Boots: ✔
Black Gloves: ✔
Boot and Glove Coverings: ✔

Ramona Flowers

Blue Wig: ✔
Pink Shirt: ✔
Blue Shorts with pink stripes: ✔
Baseball bat: ✔
Boots and Socks: ✔
Necklace: ✔
Wrist Band: ✔
Goggles: ✔
Bag: ✔

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sunday, 02 November 2008

  • made sure

    in the train. train station. late late late.
    watched her crash into him, because he was waiting for it.
    five kisses at dec 31 past
    five roses in the garbage clash
    five candles ago he hadnt seen her.
    except now in the train station. train station.

    blink. seeing her naked sleeping under the covers.
    breathe. him paying for breakfast at dinner.
    gasp. crying when he forgot her
    grip. the finger where she used to wear his ring

    in the train station. train station. late late late.
    she has a cut across her cheek.
    he has the same haircut.
    he smells the same and she feels the same.

    but she's late late late.
    and he's already coming home.
    gotta go. you should email. or i should. you should.

    in the train station. looking after her.
    he was so good about looking after her
    when she was sick or forgot something.
    now he was looking after her as she was leaving.
    in the train station. train station. late late late.